
We value keeping up with the latest information and science on hydropower, energy and environmental issues. There are many factors to consider when looking at the challenges our rivers face, and they change rapidly. By relying on trustworthy sources, it is our belief that we can strike a balance among all sides that achieves the best possible outcome for the resource. Below you will find links to fact sheets, files, and websites that offer great information on the hydropower system, salmon, our grid, and more.

Important Materials

Below, you’ll find a combination of fact sheets and materials, studies from independent research firms, and public comments with referenced sources. These materials are essential to being able to help educate the public and policymakers about the benefits of our hydropower system.

  • 1 Studies & White Papers

    Bonneville Power Administration’s Lower Snake River Dams Replacement Study Download Now

    E3 was contracted by the Bonneville Power Administration to conduct an independent study of the value of the lower Snake River dams to the Northwest power system.

    Lower Snake River Dams Power Supply Replacement Analysis Download Now

    This study prepared by Energy GPS Consulting evaluates the power supply-related financial and CO2 emissions impacts of breaching the four Federal dams on the lower Snake River.

    Regional & National Impacts Triggered by Breaching Lower Snake River DamsDownload Now

    A study by FCS Group, commissioned by the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association, examining the impact of lower Snake River dam breaching from a transportation perspective.

    An Examination of Northwest Energy Coalition February 2022 White Paper on Replacing the Lower Snake River Dams Download Now

    We have prepared the following analysis of the Northwest Energy Coalition February 2022 white paper to support science-based solutions that drive good public policy.

    Dollars & Sense: Addressing False Assumptions about the Energy & Economics of the Lower Snake Dams Download Now

    Federal reports show the lower Snake River dams are some of the most cost effective dams in the Federal Columbia River Power System. However, some anti-dam advocates repeatedly claim the dams lose money and are unnecessary. This white paper examines those assumptions and conclusions.

    Dollars & Sense II: An Examination of Reservoir Methane Claims Download Now

    Energy experts indicate that existing hydroelectric projects have among the lowest carbon footprint of any electric generating resource. However, some anti-dam advocates claim the lower Snake River dams are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions compared to other energy resources. This white paper examines those assumptions and conclusions.

    EnergyGPS Review of the 2018 NWEC Lower Snake River Dams Power Replacement Study Download Now

    In April of 2018, the Northwest Energy Coalition released the Lower Snake River Dams Power Replacement Study. After release, Northwest RiverPartners contracted Energy GPS to evaluate the reasonableness of the study’s findings and conclusions.

  • 2 Public Comment Submissions

    Northwest RiverPartners Murray-Inslee Stakeholder Process Comments Download Now

    Northwest RiverPartners CRSO DEIS Written Comments Download Now

    Northwest RiverPartners EPA Total Maximum Daily Load for Temperature in the Columbia and Lower Snake Rivers Comments Download Now

Dam releasing waters

Key Sources

The sources found here represent the best data and authoritative sources on topics that range from Northwest hydropower and renewable energy to environmental issues, including salmon recovery. Not only is transparency important to our work, we also want to ensure these resources are available and easily located by anyone interested in researching these issues for themselves.

Other Resources

The organizations and federal agencies listed below are true subject matter experts on the issues we cover. If you still find yourself with unanswered questions after reviewing the materials and links found on this page, we encourage you to visit some of the pages listed here to learn more.

Bonneville Power Admin
Bonneville Power Administration

BPA and its partners operate the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS). Financed through the rates of northwest electric customers, BPA markets electricity, and works to protect and enhance environmental, fish, and wildlife values while keeping electric infrastructure maintained and reliable.

Columbia Basin Research
Columbia River DART (Data Access in Real Time)

Purpose is to provide accurate anadromous juvenile and adult fish counts at the Columbia and Snake River dams.

Northwest Power and Conservation Council
NW Power and Conservation Council

To ensure, with public participation, an affordable and reliable energy system while enhancing fish and wildlife in the Columbia River Basin. Was the original creator of, and every 5 years amends, the Federal Columbia River Power System’s Fish and Wildlife Program.

The Federal Caucus

Ten federal agencies working for endangered salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin. Their website offers current and historic information on the work of the Caucus to recover ESA-Listed Columbia/Snake River Basin salmon and steelhead.

US Army Corps of Engineers
US Army Corps of Engineers

Seeks to ensure that USACE owned and operated dams do not present unacceptable risks to people, property, or the environment, with the emphasis on people. Northwest focus on flood risk management, dam safety, dredging for navigation, and river recreation.
