Hydro 101
Before taking a deeper dive into the topic of hydropower, it’s important to understand how water becomes energy. For those new to the subject or needing to refresh their knowledge, Hydro 101 is intended to provide a solid foundation before exploring more complex information on dams.
Hydro Knowledge Base
To discuss hydropower, it’s important to understand the basics of dams and the process of turning water into energy.
Hydropower Fast Facts
Northwest hydropower produces no carbon emissions, thereby significantly reducing the total carbon footprint of the region’s energy production.
Hydopower Essentials
There’s far more to dams than meets the eye. Beyond the concrete and turbines, they provide numerous benefits to our region through the power they generate and the opportunities they provide.
Supporting Wind and Solar
Solar and wind are growing but they require backup because their output fluctuates minute-to-minute. Hydroelectric dams help balance the fluctuations of solar…
Salmon Recovery
Salmon are iconic in the Pacific Northwest. More than iconic, they feed our ecosystems and are at the heart of Northwest Native American culture.
The Northwest’s hydroelectric dams deliver carbon-free, low-cost power to people all across the region. First constructed as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.
At Northwest RiverPartners, we strive to stay up to date on the best available science in order to inform our positions. We also believe it is crucial to our work to educate policymakers and the public by educating ourselves first. Our resources page makes the best and most recent information and data available all in one easy to reference place.
Want to know what’s happening in the world of Northwest hydropower? Look no further than our blog. This is the home for our light-hearted yet informational monthly blog, Runoff, along with occasional updates that are too lengthy for our regular emails and social media posts.
There are plenty of questions to answer when it comes to a subject as complex as Northwest hydropower. From clean energy to salmon, we gathered some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic and provided fact-based answers to each to speed up the research process.